Friday, September 23, 2016


I'm getting a cavity filled this morning, and I'm not excited. I loved going to the dentist when I was a kid, and I'm not sure what changed, other than the fact that sometime in the last few years I developed a serious aversion to people touching my face. Just.... please don't. 

A selection of things I liked as a kid that now give me the wiggins:

Going to the dentist.

Being outside on snowy days - I can enjoy it for about 10 minutes. But I hate wet pant hems, crusty slush, and the gymnastics involved in outfitting a writhing bundle of excitement who will instantly ditch his mittens and then beg to go inside two minutes later.

Froot Loops - Like eating neon fiberglass.

Wearing leotards.

Live and sincere singer-songwriters - Not sure I ever liked these, so that's kind of a cheat, but my allergy to excruciating vulnerability increases with each exposure.Also, closing their eyes while singing is an exponential multiplier of my discomfort. But it's only if they're live. I sang along with John Denver for, like, 40 minutes yesterday in the car. (Although 'Rocky Mountain High' just doesn't sound the same since Colorado basically fulfilled the prophecy contained therein.)

A selection of things I hated as a younger person that now bring me joy:

The aforementioned John Denver, The Carpenters, and generally folksy 70s music. 

Cilantro, raspberries, and dark chocolate - My taste buds changed dramatically at around age 24. Much to the delight and astonishment of my mother-in-law, who seems to 'get me' more as a person now that I also love three of her favorite foods.

Getting shots/blood drawn - Hang in here, I can explain. Doing fertility treatments meant daily injections, and very frequent blood draws. I'm now perversely proud of my ability to remain unfazed by needles, so I get a little excited to tell the nurse which veins are easiest to access, and brag a bit about giving myself (or Dave giving me) huge, painful intramuscular shots in the buttcheek for four months. Who needed nursing school when you can use yourself as a human science experiment?

Running errands - I'm by myself, I can listen to podcasts, I can get myself a treat without any begging or bargaining. Nirvana.

Non-sugary cereals - Cereal is just the best.

(So, what do your lists look like?)

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